Interface Title

All Known Implementing Classes:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface Title
Represents the title of a SpectatorInventoryView. The title string is computed from a Target.
  • Method Details

    • titleFor

      String titleFor(Target target)
      Get the title string for a given Target.
      target - the target
      the title string
    • of

      static Title of(String title)
      Create a title with a constant tile string.
      title - the constant title string
      the Title
    • of

      static Title of(Function<? super Target,? extends String> function)
      Convert a Function into a Title.
    • defaultMainInventory

      static Title defaultMainInventory()
      Get the default main spectator inventory title: "<target>'s inventory"
    • defaultEnderInventory

      static Title defaultEnderInventory()
      Get the default ender chest spectator inventory title: "<target>'s enderchest"